Business, Finance, Policy, Trade & Industry

CSO’s raise red flags over 2024/25 budget

June 12

Days to the presentation of Uganda’s fiscal plan for 2024/25, activists are concerned that despite an […]

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Finance, Policy

Inflation concerns cause Bank of Uganda to keep base rate at 10.25%

June 6

Bank of Uganda (BoU) is maintaining the Central Bank Rate (CBR) at 10.25pc after the latest […]

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Finance, Opinion, Policy

Kenya’s President Ruto spotlights IMF weaknesses amidst African distress

June 4

For over eight decades, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stood as a pillar of global […]

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Investment, Opinion, Policy, Technology & Telecoms

Developing countries can use AI to leapfrog into the future

June 4

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our world, and its potential to reshape development, especially in emerging […]

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Unpacking results-based financing: balancing strengths with weaknesses

March 26

Results-Based Financing (RBF) is being adopted by a growing number of humanitarian agencies, financial institutions and […]

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Business, Companies, Finance, Financial Services, Policy

Mergers and degradations predicted as Uganda lenders move to comply with higher capital thresholds

February 7

Uganda could witness a spate of consolidation and degradations across the banking industry, as lender move […]

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Regional tentative policy to govern cross-border labour gets approval

January 24

East African Community (EAC) senior labour officials and experts recently agreed on a regulatory framework policy […]

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Business, Finance, Policy

Uganda on edge of debt distress, needs 35 years to settle domestic arrears

January 13

Are you a Ugandan supplier and you are owed money by the government? You might have […]

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Policy, Trade & Industry

Uganda raises purity standards for tin exports

December 24

In another blow against exports of raw minerals, Uganda has raised standards for tin, requiring exporters […]

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Business, Policy

CSBAG warns fiscal indiscipline and runaway graft a threat to Uganda’s economic recovery

December 22

Despite making a strong comeback, Uganda’s sustained economic recovery is under threat, undermined by surging public […]

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